Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! What an exciting time for you, and your family. I can’t wait to shoot your senior photos! Senior sessions are one of my favorite genres to shoot, and they should be FUN.

Personalize your photoshoot
Consider taking this opportunity to express your unique self and individuality, and create your own vision. Let’s capture the authentic YOU. What are your hobbies, dreams, quirks, interests, skills, and things you’re passionate about? Maybe you’re into old music … let’s scout out a vintage record store and shoot there. Love soccer? How about dressing up and posing with a beat up soccer ball for some interesting contrast. Do you drive a cool car? Why not incorporate your car into your shoot. Maybe you’re an artist that paints murals - we could shoot you while you’re painting. No idea is off the table as long as the location is fairly local and outdoors. Do you want to do something cool and unique, but not exactly sure WHAT? Let’s put our heads together and brainstorm. And if all this sounds wacky to you, and you prefer simple and conventional, THAT’S OK TOO.

Also, remember that we can take a variety of different types of photos in one session - some can be conventional (standing against a brick wall or in front of flowers), and some can be more personalized, unique, and unexpected. We will be walking around the shooting location to change up the settings and backgrounds.

Using props is a great way to elevate your photos, and also gives your hands something to do. There are also ways to subtly incorporate props that AREN’T hand-held. Props are an awesome way to bring your personal style and personality into your shoot. Do you like to wear hats? Wear your favorite one, or hold it for some of the shots. Do you play basketball? Bring a ball to your session. Some clients bring portable seating to their shoot, like a lightweight chair, wooden pallet or stool.

Choose outfits that make you FEEL beautiful and feel like YOU
Most seniors need about an hour for their session, and many bring an outfit change. Choose outfits that accentuate the features you feel most confident about. For example, if you love your collar bone/decolletage area, you could wear an off-the-shoulder top. Not a fan of your arms? Opt for sleeves. Love your legs? Wear a dress or skirt. Maybe you wear overalls all the time, and it’s your signature thing. Wear them at your shoot.

Clothing colors
Not sure what to wear? Start with color. Do you always get compliments when you wear a certain shade of blue? Consider wearing it on your session day. Wear your most flattering colors close to your face. Textures and layers bring interest to clothing. Lastly, would you like to know which color to AVOID? NEON. Neon reflects its color onto the face. White is tough because it can wash you out, and it can trick the camera.

While you'll want to amp up your look a bit for your photos, aim to wear makeup that’s not too different from your regular day to day look. If you normally wear bold and dramatic makeup, and that’s what you’re comfortable with, go for it. Bring your makeup with you on the shoot for touchups. Try to avoid super glittery or sparkly makeup – it doesn’t photograph well. IMPORTANT: while sunscreen is a great protective measure, please don’t wear it on your face during your session - many sunscreens contain reflective agents, and cause a white cast in photos. Lastly, it can get warm while posing outdoors; having blotting sheets and powder on hand is especially important for people with oily skin.

Accessorize – jewelry, hats, jackets, scarves, vests, belts, and footwear … all this stuff expresses your individual style and makes the session more uniquely yours. Feel free to bring extra accessories to your shoot so you can change them out.

Nails, tanning and all that jazz

Your hands will be in some shots, so having a fresh manicure is a great idea. Avoid getting a ton of sun exposure close to your shoot - red skin and burns are not the vibe. Please remember that tan lines can be difficult to fix in Photoshop.

Tanning/ spray tanning:
If you are a pro self tanner, and know what to expect with certain brands and color results, go for it. If you’ve never self-tanned before, for Pete’s sake DON’T try it for the first time the day before your session. Orange streaky skin cannot easily be fixed. You will want to self tan at least 2 days before your session for the most natural look. Be sure to moisturize body areas that will be visible in photos.

Get your hair cut or colored at least a week in advance, in case tweaks need to be made, and to allow hair time to settle. Always wanted to try that crazy braided hairstyle you saw in Pinterest? Your senior photos are probably not the best time to try it. Amp up the style you normally wear on a regular basis so you look like YOU. Do a practice run with your hair before the photoshoot. Humid weather plus hair that tends to frizz means using an anti-frizz styling product, and it's also a great idea to bring a anti-frizz finishing product with you. Bring extra hair ties, bobby pins, a mirror, brush, makeup, hair spray, and anything else you might need to touch up during the shoot.

Eyewear and glare
If you wear glasses and wish to wear them during your session, speak to me about options so we can eliminate glare.

Bring someone with you
Some seniors feel more relaxed having a parent, friend, or other family member with them at their session. Invite someone you trust who makes you feel confident and relaxed (or who makes you laugh!) Avoid bringing someone who you feel might make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. This is YOUR time!

Speak up
Lastly, please know that you can talk to me! Communication is key - both before, during, and after your session. Before your session, send me photos of poses you want to try. Send me ALL the inspo! If during your shoot you don’t like a pose or setting, just let me know - it won’t hurt my feelings. I want you to LOVE your photos, as much as you do.

Becca : )